LA Intergroup was formed in the early 1960’s as a forum to share and distribute knowledge and information between LA area Gamblers Anonymous meetings. In meeting every month, we maintain our UNITY which is espoused in Step 1 of our Unity Program – “Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon group unity.”
Intergroup was first held in the National Service Office (NSO) on 8th and Hoover in Los Angeles. An early member recalled that there was representation from all of the 6 LA Gamblers Anonymous meetings in existence at that time.
The following were the original LA meetings:
Sunday – Downey
Monday – West Hollywood
Tuesday – Gardena
Wednesday – Mayfair Hotel, Downtown L.A
Friday – Mayfair Hotel, Downtown L.A
Saturday – Beverly Hills
These meetings gradually grew. Some moved to different nights, some dispersed over time and new meetings were started such as the Thursday night West Covina meeting. The fellowship began to flourish and the NSO moved from its initial home on Hoover Street.
As NSA further developed, we relocated to W. Pico Blvd and Intergroup was held there. Jim W. (founder) ran Intergroup. Stan G. and he printed the bulletins using an old fashion printing press where each letter had to be carefully placed for printing.
Those were the early days!
Today we still meet on a monthly basis to distribute and share knowledge with representatives from most of the 75+ meetings in Area 1 – which extends to encompass most of Southern California.
We elect officers, such as: Chairman, Co-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Recording Secretaries. Committees are formed to handle all areas of interest from Social Committee which helps plan social events to Sunshine Committee which extends group prayers and visits for those in special need.
We also handle the election process for Trustees and Board of Regents. These are our “trusted servants” who assure our representation at the local and national levels.
We now have over 40 meetings in existence and on any given night of the week we offer a variety of choices for our local members. LA Intergroup is an important aspect of the GA fellowship.